While commercial horse feeds can provide essential nutrients, mimicking a horse's natural diet is often the healthiest option. Horses are herbivores designed to graze on forages such as grasses and hay, which provide essential fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Incorporating high-quality forage into your horse's diet should be the foundation of their nutrition. Work with your vet to find out if there are certain micronutrients that your horse needs added to their diet.
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For understanding overall equine health, viewing the horse in a holistic sense is key. Like humans, we must see that all systems work together, and when one fails, it negatively impacts another. For example, stomach ulcers may lead to tension around the lower thoracic spine and surrounding muscles. Vice versa, a poorly postured lower back could lead to kidney, colon, or ovarian malfunction. Regular bodywork is a crucial part of a healthy equine athlete’s regimen, but one cannot discount nutrition, veterinary work, farriery, and dental work, to name a few. All must work together for the optimal horse.