Can CBD help improve performance in my horse? What we know about CBD
Decoding Horse Feed: A Guide to Understanding Ingredient Labels and Choosing the Best Nutrition for Your Equine Companion
While commercial horse feeds can provide essential nutrients, mimicking a horse's natural diet is often the healthiest option. Horses are herbivores designed to graze on forages such as grasses and hay, which provide essential fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Incorporating high-quality forage into your horse's diet should be the foundation of their nutrition. Work with your vet to find out if there are certain micronutrients that your horse needs added to their diet. -
Summertime Trailer Must-Haves: Get ready for the summer on the road or just a weekend away from home
There’s a lot that goes into a successful summer on the road. Whether you’re packing for yourself or your four-legged athletes, each trailer will look a little different. -
WIN 90 Days of Complete Aminos - Learn more below
Check out this insane before & after. The only thing that changed in this horse's diet was the addition of our Complete Aminos & Full-Spectrum Hemp Pellets. Learn how to win a 90-day supply below. -
The Importance of Bodywork for the Healthy Horse
For understanding overall equine health, viewing the horse in a holistic sense is key. Like humans, we must see that all systems work together, and when one fails, it negatively impacts another. For example, stomach ulcers may lead to tension around the lower thoracic spine and surrounding muscles. Vice versa, a poorly postured lower back could lead to kidney, colon, or ovarian malfunction. Regular bodywork is a crucial part of a healthy equine athlete’s regimen, but one cannot discount nutrition, veterinary work, farriery, and dental work, to name a few. All must work together for the optimal horse. -
Unlocking the Power of Amino Acids for Performance Horses
Amino acid supplementation is an effective way to provide performance horses with the nutrition they need to stay at peak performance levels without overworking themselves or risking injury due to overexertion -
CBD for Horses: The Benefits You Need to Know
By understanding how CBD works and its potential benefits for our equine companions, we can make informed decisions about how best to support their health and wellbeing naturally. -
Maintaining Your Performance Horse
Evidence suggesting CBD products as an alternative to traditional drug treatments for a wide range of conditions is very compelling, to say the least. So far (after 23,000 published papers), there have not been any significant side effects attributed to CBD supplementation in any animals (some canine trials noted diarrhea and possible interaction with prescribed drugs). -
CBD For Horses: Samantha Fulton on her 2022 rodeo season - Fortitude Equine
"...It turns out that we wouldn’t have made it to Filer even if we would’ve taken the goat trail. So we proceed to turn around and drive the four hours back to Ellensburg. We drove 8 hours with $6/gal diesel for nothing but some fruit."
What are the main causes of colic in horses and what can you do to help prevent it?
What are the main causes of colic in horses and what can you do to help prevent it? Colic is a very complicated and often devastating condition. It can range from a mild stomach ache that a horse can be brought out of with some banamine or some natural herbs and oil in a stomach tube, to a very severe complication that can lead to death unless treated. -
What is hemp seed oil? How is it different from CBD?
What is Hemp Seed Oil and how is it different from CBD? Hemp seed oil is exactly what it sounds like: Oil that is pressed from pure hemp seeds. T... -
What Sets Fortitude Apart?
With so many different CBD products on the market, many people wonder, what is the difference? At first glance, most products may all look roughl... -
What do we know about CBD use in horses, and is it beneficial?
Have you been hearing about this thing called CBD for awhile and wondering what it is all about? Or have you or someone you know been taking a CBD supplement and seeing beneficial results? In either case, you may be wondering “is this something that could be beneficial to my horses?”.
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